Wow, its been ...3 months since I've updated this thing, and even as I sit here, I barely know how to write anymore. I'll get right to it. Babies are almost 4 months old and life has been much easier since the dark, DARK days of the first 2 months. The babies have been on a 4 hour feeding schedule for over a month and are doing very well. Scarlet is suffering with issues related to reflux, the poor thing, but the Zantac she is on has helped a lot. She has an appt with a GI specialist on Oct 12th. The babies haven't had their 4 month appt yet so we don't know what they weigh, but i know its a lot. Scarlet is still smaller than the the others by at least a pound, but she is doing well. Lyla is really the only one who doesn't do very well holding her head up, but she is ahead of the game with her communication skills- she is by far the chattiest, and also the best at self entertaining. Porter is physically the strongest and can now roll over from front to back. Unfortunately, he does this at night and since he hates being on his back he ends up looking like a cockroach flailing his arms and legs everywhere and screaming. And did I mention he can stand?
Scarlet is the kicker. She talks almost as much as Lyla now, and her "thing" is kicking like mad in the bouncy seat.
Recently we have introduced a new toy in the trios collection- the bouncy thing. They all like it for about a minute:
And then it wears off.
A dear friend lent us her triplet stroller and for the first time I can take all of them on walks by myself.
They're still not sleeping more than 4 to 5 hours at a time during the night. Its been months since we've had to feed them at night, but they're just in the habit of waking every night around 330 or 4. They dont need to be fed, and they dont need to be changed so I just end up giving them a pacifier, or in Porter's case, turning him back over on his tummy, and going back to bed. They usually wake again around 430 or 5 but we usually just let them cry until they are fed at 530.If anyone has advice on how to remedy this issue feel free to chime in. Im told they should be able to sleep 8 hours by now so who knows. We are anxiously awaiting the day when they can all keep their pacifiers in their little mouths on their own. Right now they just continuously pop them out with their tongues so we prop them with rolled blankets.
We're going to Utah on the 24th to visit my family and we are so excited. The babies get to see their Grandma and their Great Grandparents and we can't wait. Also, my brother will be there from Japan with his family and we will meet my new little niece, McKenna! My older brother and his family will also be down from Idaho and we are thrilled that all the cousins will be together for the first time!
Skipping around a bit- the babies were blessed in July and we didnt take as many pictures as we should have. Sunday mornings are a whirlwind trying to get everyone ready. This was the only good shot we got.