Monday, September 15, 2008

I Stand Corrected

All of you out there who read Stephanie's post and subsequent comments (including mine) on the Choc cake with peanut butter frosting- I need to readdress the issue. (if you haven't read it- check out "sweet... and a little salty" on Two Little Rascals- blog) Last night I made said cake and corresponding PB frosting and I would like to say that although it was very good, and ridiculously rich, I... well... I guess I have to agree with Kent. (don't hate me, Stephanie.) It was so rich and peanut buttery- you know how it sticks to the roof of your mouth- even a tiny piece is a little... overwhelming. Lemonjello, on the other hand, you can eat like 3 pieces of it and still want more. I had 2 pieces of it just this past friday night!
In conclusion, I liked the cake and frosting- definitely lingered on the beater licking- but if I were stranded on a desert island and could only have choc and peanut butter or lemonjello?... it would have to be the latter.

Thank You.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Remodeling the remodel

Well, this has definitely been a learning experience for me- this whole renovations project. I have learned how to comfortably and assertively navigate my way around Home Depot and Lowes, I have learned how to prime and paint: baseboards, cabinets, doors, trim, etc, I will soon learn how to paint appliances (post to come), and I have mastered the shop vac like its nobody's business. But by far, the most important and valuable lesson is TOOOOO: .... make sure you reeeeeeally like the paint color before you spend 50 bucks on paint and then let your husband paint an entire room and then decide that you really didn't like it afterall but was kinda too afraid to say anything. (Kelly- way worse than killing the stupid grass.)

this was, after- before

And this is the after-after.

If you can't tell, the ceiling is a dark purple too. I really liked the green, just not for my kitchen. After all. ...I guess. And the counter tops are finally done! Its hard to tell from this shot, but we love them! (just don't ask about the grout lines. kind of a sore spot)

So if you're sitting there saying "ooh, I liked the green better!" WELL I DONT WANNA HEAR IT!

Look, the new floors! They're still dirty, though.

TA DAAAAA! Our giant 10 inch deep- sink and equally as huge- 17 inch faucet. We're calling it our 3rd bath and shower. Testing it our this weekend;)

Happy Birthday to me!

My birthday was weeks ago, but Craig took me to this sweet little B&B up in Shaver Lake, so I wanted to share the pics with y'all. I LOOOOVE little getaways and this was one of my best birthday's ever! Thanks, Love! (that's you, Craig)

I loved the little welcome board. We arrived after everyone had already checked in and gone to their rooms, so it was nice to see the welcome waiting for us when we got there. ...A diverse group staying at the Elliot House that night;)

Dinner on the lake. Soooo niiiiice.

You may recognize this pose from other shots- such as- "scenes from a bathroom."

The breakfast of champions.