Ok, I wasn't very good about posting after the first time I was tagged (i'd do it now, but I don't know where the card for my camera is) so I thought I'd come through with this one. You have to go into your photos, pick the 4th folder and then the 4th picture. This is Craig and I in my first trip to Disneyland, March 2007. Look at the short hair! Won't be doing that again anytime soon. Not that I hated it, its just not me. I've always had long hair (except in kindergarten when I had lice). Regardless, it was a great trip. Craig had just broken his foot and was in a wheelchair. Best way to do Disneyland because they have no wheelchair accessibility so they send you to the front of every line! I tag Linda, Stephanie Saunders and Kathryn.
11 years ago