Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sooner than Later

Well unfortunately the situation is getting worse. Baby C still looks good, heart rate is strong, but her cord flow is more restricted than it was a week ago. We were hoping that it would hold, or at least stay the same for as long as possible, but it looks like delivery will come sooner than we would have hoped. We are praying to last 11 more days- which would put me at 30 weeks gestation. Babies do significantly better at 30 weeks. The docs today told me not to "bet my last dime on that" but we're sure trying. I feel like a ticking time bomb, like any day they could come rushing in to take me in for an emergency C-Section. Its more likely that things will continue in a downward trend until they schedule the C-section. Craig said that he feels like everything will be ok, and that makes me feel much better. He's good like that:)

Its amazing how much love we feel from our friends and family- specifically our Ward family. I have received so many visitors and well wishes and its just a wonderful feeling- like we have so many of you in our corner pulling for us. You all have no idea what that means to us. We love you and we'll keep you posted:) Now I have to go continue incubating....


  1. Hey Nicole, I think about you often and am praying that you can hold those three precious babies in for 11 more days! You have such a great attitude and am so proud you have made it this far.


  2. Okay, praying for everyone to stay nice and snug right where they are for at least 11 more days!
    Hang in there, little mama:-)

  3. I too know all will be well !! We are praying for 11 more days !!! Love Ya R

  4. Still thinking about you!!! Seriously wishing you the best these next few days. Those little babies will be just fine...especially with you as their mom!

  5. So what's the proper incubating technique? Do you bundle your legs under you like a chicken? We're praying for you! And make sure you get one last belly pic before they whisk you away to the surgery room.

  6. Hi Nicole! We're all praying for you and you are in our thoughts all the time. Love you girl. Please tell me you have a stylish gown...if anybody could make it glam it would be you! xoxo

  7. Thank you for the update...David and Craig have been getting the dressers ready for those sweet little munchkins...I know that everything will be fine always, you are in our prayers....

  8. We are still praying for all the little Saunders! Thank you for the updates and for sharing with us! hang in ya!
