I find it unnecessary to post these days because its just easier to do a little each day on facebook rather than a lot every...(sigh)... few months via blog. However here I am- Sadly, only because what I wanted to post on facebook is too many characters for a comment. HA! The trio (I like having a singular word to use for them) had their 9 month check up, appropriately, Friday, on their 9 month birthday:) Their stats are respectively as follows- in birth order:
Lyla- Height-(nobody cares how many centimeters) 90th percentile, Weight-19.6lbs- 60th percentile, 2 teeth and 2 more appearing any minute now.
Scarlet-Height- 20th percentile (woohoo!), Weight-...ok, she fell off the chart for this
month, but only because of a very recent stomach bug. The girl normally eats like a cow. A really long skinny cow. 2 teeth and FOUR cutting through as we speak.
percentile, Weight-19.7lbs-30th percentile- the same bug to blame. 6 teeth!
The Babies are all doing wonderfully well. I'm so grateful for their health and well-being and I am amazed at how far they've come from the little 4-plus and 5 pounders that exploded into our lives 9 months ago. Well, not literally;) They have all been on solids since just before Christmas and it's been a lot of fun getting to feed them. Wait, let me back up, I "discontinued" my feeding help when my Mom came for Christmas and decided to take over on my own from that point on. I now use the help of the "The Bottle Sling," I just put their seats on the floor and they do the rest.

Speaking of the floor, everyone can finally sit on their own. Now we're working on crawling.

Porter likes "tummy time" the least. He'd rather hang out in his jumper all day and rock, rather than actually jump. It always worried me that they aren't crawling by now, but the doc says they're all doing great and there's nothing to worry about. More importantly, they've all been sleeping through the night for a couple of months now, and even since about 5 or 6 months they've had very few middle of the night- cries:)
Regarding the babies' feeding schedule- which has been very strict since birth- first every three hours, then every four, they are now happily eating three meals a day:)

On Christmas day we eliminated the 530am feeding for good. Craig was done- bless his heart. Then about a month ago we eliminated the 10pm bottle. Now they have a regular- 8am, 1230, 5pm feeding with a final bottle at 7 and then bedtime. It works fabulously, and its so nice to be on a regular 3 meals a day- schedule again.
Craig and I have two little angels who have offered to babysit whenever we need them, so we have been able to go out together from time to time. Its great to have these Women who know the babies so well, and whom I trust so completely with them. And I think they get to have a
little fun with them too:)
Life is good. We have come so far from the dark days of last spring AND summer. I have finally gotten to a point where I feel comfortable mothering triplets. I no longer dread the start of every day. I look forward to playing and feeding and changing and bathing and starting all over again the next day. The babies are at such a fun age and I love being with them. Craig is such a good Dad, and such a good partner in this journey that is parenthood. I'm just so grateful for my family and for the many blessings that we receive every day.
(this pic was not taken or saved like this so I have no idea why its sideways. It was such a cute pic that I had to post it anyway, so you'll have to turn your computers.)

Oh how I have missed the little trio! These pics are great! I would love to be a little angel too and have some fun with the babies...when you have a few minutes to retrain me, let me do it, okay? you know I have grandbaby withdrawals and would love to spend some time with the trio. they are adorable as always...thanks for posting!!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely LOVE that picture of their little legs dangling from the feeding table! Did you guys add the red dividers? I don't remember them being there. What does it do? Keep them from grabbing each others food?
ReplyDeleteI also love your little girls teeny little pigtails and pony sprout.
I am dying to see them! They are all so adorable!
Renee- I had Craig add the border/dividers. It fits snugly on top, but it comes off easily for cleaning. Mainly, it keeps them from pushing their toys off on to the floor. However, he didn't build the dividers tall enough and they still steal each other's toys:(
ReplyDeleteMy favorite has to be all of Lyla's hair. It's great.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you updated here! I pretty much never get on facebook. Your babies are all so sweet and adorable, I don't see you guys enough at church since I'm tucked away in primary!
ReplyDeleteSo good to see the new pics and you are such a good Mom!!!! Those kids are well loved and I wish I was there to get in on the help:) They are getting so big and I am glad that life is getting more comfortable for you. Hope to see them soon!